Jacob Spence
Web Developer - Computer programmer
Job/Job offers: Developer 1 at FedEx Services


This is a list of a few things I have done so far in Base Camp Coding Academy.


I was born and raised in Water Valley, MS. I graduated from Water Valley High School in 2016. I graduated from Base Camp Coding Academy in May 2017.

Base Camp Coding Academy is school that teaches student who have recently graduated high school how to program computers. with in a 12 month period we will learn langueges such as Python, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

I am currently ingaged in : Python: intermediate, HTML: intermediate, CSS: intermediate, Javasript: intermediate, jQuery: intermediate, Django: intermediate

To find out more about Base Camp Coding Academy Here

My github acount that shows some of my projects. Here

A Copy Of My Resume My Final Base Camp project's presentation